Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Atlanta Cruise Line Auditions

Events - October 2010 Business Meeting Business Meeting

"With great expectations, a true sense of belonging and responsibility, the tenants and staff participated Maracaibo Sambil Mall in conversation about techniques and tools for effective negotiation, "and began the review of the event held on Monday 25 October at half past eight in the U.S. cinemas.

This included the facilitation of Dr. Lucy Cecilia Amado, rapporteur of recognized national and international experience in the area of \u200b\u200bNegotiation, Mediation and Conflict Management, who is also cooperating in various programs such as "Strengthening Peace in Venezuela", developed by the Carter Center and the United Nations Programme in Venezuela active member of the Collective Peace Movement "(Item Peace Zulia) and "Here we all fit" and author of Conflict Resolution, published by Books of El Nacional and presented last October 7 against Tecni Science Books Sambil Mall Maracaibo with the assistance of people such as Dr. Neuro Villalobos, former Rector of LIGHT, Fedecamaras President Nestor Borges, and the presence of other media professionals, including the radio show Gerardo Serrot ON Nineties eighties and personalities from different academic , business and art of the region who joined the celebration of guests, family and friends.

This discussion group addresses issues such as conflict, the negotiation process, types and characteristics as well as providing practical guidance for negotiating these vital issues in the difficult world of today and which contribute to achieving true integration of community Maracaibo Sambil Center, which will be crystallized in the support and continued participation in various activities to be undertaken as part of a shared institutional vision.

In his dissertation, Lucy Amado, the premise shows how important it is to negotiate for the parties before taking a case to trial or when the person requires it. Thus, Amado has become one of the few specialists in conflict resolution through negotiation and mediation, not only in the Zulia region, but throughout the country, serving as speaker in this exciting issue both nationally and internationally.

Lucy Amado, has in its curriculum, the distinction of having been a contributor to the Strengthening Peace program in Venezuela that developed the Carter Center and UNDP in our country, one of the few experts in this area in Venezuela. Similarly, I think the chair of Alternative Dispute Resolution, in addition designing and delivering program content of the degree of negotiation, both taught at the prestigious University Studies, Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacin (Urbe) ... about the author points out .... It is important to plant the culture of peace and dialogue ... no wait more time start now ...

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