The core of biology is mainly composed of biochemistry, but also by genetics, microbiology and virology and physiology. Zoology, botany and paleontology are today peripheral disciplines. Ecology plays a critical. As far as it confirms their ability to experiment and adapt the method is pure biology, but this is not easy. In addition there is a risk that the more scientific ecology is more "experience" is the world the more important and powerful the biology, more limited life, at least those we are close to this powerful language and surround science. In this situation, biology can not be sustained in a paradigm based on neo-Darwinian evolution. Throughout the text we will try to substantiate this description. We are not so ambitious as to propose a solution from this project that raises rather intended to provide ideas that illuminate the road in the future.
With these premises, the fact of selecting and criticize some biology books have the added difficulty that a large part of the basic information will be outside the project. In recent years a series of discoveries science has changed in their fundamentals. The discovery of catalytic RNAs, the presence in the genomes of large quantities of non-coding sequences, the role of microRNAs in regulating the expression gene regulatory mechanisms and epigenetic inheritance, are discoveries that have not yet been fully assimilated, digested, and in many cases have not been integrated yet in book form. The reader should know that the biology of today's Cooking at high speed in magazines and online. However, because of their interest can fall prey to the great speed and as a result lose. For we must bear in mind that, ultimately, the first goal of science is not cure the reader or make him rich, but to show a new way of seeing the world that excites him, he moved. The main quality of science in general and biology in particular, will their ability to reach men. If we speak, its literary quality. If so, the good times in biology is past and correspond with the writings of authors who have not relied on technology. We will also see some examples. The simplistic view that dictates that everything in nature is the result of the competition and everything can be explained by natural selection, is simply abhorrent to the ears of someone used to the subtlety required in science, but also for those who have the experience direct nature.
The task we have proposed, we will slowly but without interruption. We will propose five parts briefly introduced, each before their respective comments, so that the prologue will continue until the end of the book and will remain so, unfinished, open.
In the first part, which begins below, we will discuss three books which are not of biology but which are essential to understand. These three books teach us that what is important for science, as it is important for a person, often in the form of returns, passes through circular paths, or at least twist. The important thing returns to its origin, like the shell of a snail or amounts to revolve around an axis as the ladder to climb the tower of a cathedral or the top of a castle. You can take the form of a corkscrew that serves to deepen the inside of things, like philosophy. As our knowledge of our surroundings. Moving forward, further, to live means to return again and again to the same points but with the new look. Ever onward and again in the same place. André Gide, in a correct sentence speaks of the need to move away from the old coast to discover new continents. Old costs and new continents can be both, concepts of opinion, debatable, but it seems clear that to understand the world around us, we need to travel, to see how the mountain, placing us at a distance that allows us to observe. Away in space and time for acquire a new perspective. Walking forward, but always returning to the same place from which and that, again and again, we crossed on our walk, return to forever wonder about the meaning of these words: What is life?, What does that make good to her biology?.
Go to: Preface
open I
What is biology? We
way to define the biology
So what is biology?
Biology, an experimental science's own s. ..
Biology studies the aspects of life q. ..
The theory of evolution by natural selection
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Marine Corps Wrestling
The theory of evolution by natural selection
The theory of evolution by natural selection is not sustainable in 2007. Darwin was a biologist and had little scientific experiment. In physics and chemistry just theories in law, which describes exactly the relationship between well-defined and measurable elements of nature. None of that is in the theory of evolution by natural selection. The biology shows, however, how difficult it is to find a correct definition of species.
Today we can say of this theory which he wrote about Galileo gravity:
"You are wrong, Simplicio; had to say that everyone knows that is called gravity. But I do not wonder about the name, but the essence of the thing. From this you do not know one iota more than they know about the essence of motor rotating stars .... "Prologue
open I
What is biology? We
way to define the biology
So what is biology?
Biology, an experimental science's own s. ..
Biology studies the aspects of life q. ..
open End of prologue
The theory of evolution by natural selection is not sustainable in 2007. Darwin was a biologist and had little scientific experiment. In physics and chemistry just theories in law, which describes exactly the relationship between well-defined and measurable elements of nature. None of that is in the theory of evolution by natural selection. The biology shows, however, how difficult it is to find a correct definition of species.
Today we can say of this theory which he wrote about Galileo gravity:
"You are wrong, Simplicio; had to say that everyone knows that is called gravity. But I do not wonder about the name, but the essence of the thing. From this you do not know one iota more than they know about the essence of motor rotating stars .... "Prologue
open I
What is biology? We
way to define the biology
So what is biology?
Biology, an experimental science's own s. ..
Biology studies the aspects of life q. ..
open End of prologue
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Casillas Reebok Gloves
Biology studies the aspects of life that can undergo
Darwin, who was not a philosopher, today happens to be someone who has contributed significantly to the philosophy. Darwin was not an experimental biologist, is considered the father of biology. Nothing more absurd. Strictly speaking, studying biology aspects of life that can be subjected to experimentation. To answer the question: How are living things, how to work, how their characters are inherited?. In the task, the scientific method and experimental (A) serves to distinguish the true from the doubtful, of the hypothetical. For decades, new results were obtained and often unexpected. DNA is the hereditary material. Right. Biology has shown unequivocally thus ending, or at least providing the means to overcome the traditional habits of patient observation of nature that occupied naturalists for centuries, but concluded that no ambiguity. The scientific method seeks to find certainty. However much you see and you think, only accept as true what I can, for me to repeat experiments. It has already provided sufficient evidence and results to return all data from natural history and paleontology and try a new theoretical description of life (B). The accumulation of results and data has occurred in record time and has not yet integrated into the original knowledge system and its revolutionary new claims. In biology, the basic starting point has to be necessarily and experimental (A). Biology is the science that provides a description of life (B) based on the scientific method (A). Part of A to B, and if the work is done in the opposite direction, then it is biology, not only biology but not next to fail, to interrupt the discourse of biology. Classical biology forged over the second half of the twentieth century has largely followed the wrong path. It has been forged from the beginning, outdated theories and concepts; obsolete molds which have adapted the experimental results. The lack of a basis consistent with the results has led to putting the cart in front of the donkey, on a temporary situation, which must now be corrected. For all disciplines whose work is based on observation and experimentation are not peripheral in biology today. Dobzhansky's famous phrase, one now needs urgently to be turned just now turned into: "In evolution nothing is meaningless unless it is seen through the prism of biology." The new biology is the experimental science powerful and dominant in our time. May be subjected to speculative theories about evolution, but has to be the opposite. Their results have set the tone for every opinion about evolution. The mechanisms of evolution involve elements of biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology are now trying to describe. The definition of viruses, transposons, many catalytic RNAs, and the possible involvement of these elements in epigenetic processes, polyploidization, genome rearrangements, gene silencing, etc. Some of the tasks in dealing with modern biology. Any evolutionary theory should include the participation of these elements and will have to propose their participation in processes and mechanisms that must be carefully analyzed. Ambitious generalizations will not always much, but if they dogmatic, should be fully rejected.
Go to: Preface
open I
What is biology? We
way to define the biology
So what is biology?
Biology, an experimental science's own s. ..
The theory of evolution by natural selection
End of prologue open
Darwin, who was not a philosopher, today happens to be someone who has contributed significantly to the philosophy. Darwin was not an experimental biologist, is considered the father of biology. Nothing more absurd. Strictly speaking, studying biology aspects of life that can be subjected to experimentation. To answer the question: How are living things, how to work, how their characters are inherited?. In the task, the scientific method and experimental (A) serves to distinguish the true from the doubtful, of the hypothetical. For decades, new results were obtained and often unexpected. DNA is the hereditary material. Right. Biology has shown unequivocally thus ending, or at least providing the means to overcome the traditional habits of patient observation of nature that occupied naturalists for centuries, but concluded that no ambiguity. The scientific method seeks to find certainty. However much you see and you think, only accept as true what I can, for me to repeat experiments. It has already provided sufficient evidence and results to return all data from natural history and paleontology and try a new theoretical description of life (B). The accumulation of results and data has occurred in record time and has not yet integrated into the original knowledge system and its revolutionary new claims. In biology, the basic starting point has to be necessarily and experimental (A). Biology is the science that provides a description of life (B) based on the scientific method (A). Part of A to B, and if the work is done in the opposite direction, then it is biology, not only biology but not next to fail, to interrupt the discourse of biology. Classical biology forged over the second half of the twentieth century has largely followed the wrong path. It has been forged from the beginning, outdated theories and concepts; obsolete molds which have adapted the experimental results. The lack of a basis consistent with the results has led to putting the cart in front of the donkey, on a temporary situation, which must now be corrected. For all disciplines whose work is based on observation and experimentation are not peripheral in biology today. Dobzhansky's famous phrase, one now needs urgently to be turned just now turned into: "In evolution nothing is meaningless unless it is seen through the prism of biology." The new biology is the experimental science powerful and dominant in our time. May be subjected to speculative theories about evolution, but has to be the opposite. Their results have set the tone for every opinion about evolution. The mechanisms of evolution involve elements of biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology are now trying to describe. The definition of viruses, transposons, many catalytic RNAs, and the possible involvement of these elements in epigenetic processes, polyploidization, genome rearrangements, gene silencing, etc. Some of the tasks in dealing with modern biology. Any evolutionary theory should include the participation of these elements and will have to propose their participation in processes and mechanisms that must be carefully analyzed. Ambitious generalizations will not always much, but if they dogmatic, should be fully rejected.
Go to: Preface
open I
What is biology? We
way to define the biology
So what is biology?
Biology, an experimental science's own s. ..
The theory of evolution by natural selection
End of prologue open
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sand Dune Birthday Cake
experimental biology, an experimental science of the twentieth century itself
is in this state of things, typical of a post-modern without references and the complexity is as unique and elusive character, when biologists do not fully define our guidelines and approaches. Biology, an experimental science of the twentieth century itself, showed its apogee at the time, not all was confusion. The experimental method proved useful in the discovery of the biochemical and genetic mechanisms that operate in living organisms. Establishing the new biology from biochemistry and genetics, experimental approaches which gave the answer to big questions. Forged with strong bases in the results of previous decades, biology is established and takes a position solid in the study of life through the scientific method. The application of scientific method at this time was exemplary. The series of experiments about the nature of hereditary material, its replication, the existence of messenger RNA and translation .... etc. constitute a set of unique achievements in the history of science. Each experiment was designed to answer a question or to test a hypothesis that was derived from previous experimental results. The result of each experiment was the basis for the design of the next. But, does this mean that it was entirely experimental biology?. No. On the contrary, the experimental results were integrated into a complex web of knowledge in the understanding of the evolutionary process, both from neo-Darwinian paradigm highlighted as being essential. Hence the phrase Dobzhansky: "In biology nothing makes sense unless considered in the light of evolution", indicating the way for the new results, from the pure scientific method, were discussed to integrate theoretical obsolete then a conceptual universe that assumes poor results and in many cases remains and is reported. A poor idea dogmatic, Darwin, expressed directly in the title of his masterpiece "The evolution of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1959), without any experimental basis and with no possibility of experimental verification because it is a tautology, engulfs all experimental results, the fruit of enormous effort and investment, and is considered the "philosophy" biology makes sense. The cause?. Mainly a series of historical coincidences. Darwin published his work a few years after the International Exhibition in London in 1951. The burgeoning British Empire need to support their development ideas of imperialism and colonialism. The idea of \u200b\u200b"Natural Selection" gets a boost even more materialistic development by itself the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. What better for companies that rely on liberal theory dictates that in nature the struggle and selection are constant basis?.
Go to: Preface
open I
What is biology? We
way to define the biology
So what is biology?
Biology studies the aspects of life q. ..
The theory of evolution by natural selection
End of prologue open
is in this state of things, typical of a post-modern without references and the complexity is as unique and elusive character, when biologists do not fully define our guidelines and approaches. Biology, an experimental science of the twentieth century itself, showed its apogee at the time, not all was confusion. The experimental method proved useful in the discovery of the biochemical and genetic mechanisms that operate in living organisms. Establishing the new biology from biochemistry and genetics, experimental approaches which gave the answer to big questions. Forged with strong bases in the results of previous decades, biology is established and takes a position solid in the study of life through the scientific method. The application of scientific method at this time was exemplary. The series of experiments about the nature of hereditary material, its replication, the existence of messenger RNA and translation .... etc. constitute a set of unique achievements in the history of science. Each experiment was designed to answer a question or to test a hypothesis that was derived from previous experimental results. The result of each experiment was the basis for the design of the next. But, does this mean that it was entirely experimental biology?. No. On the contrary, the experimental results were integrated into a complex web of knowledge in the understanding of the evolutionary process, both from neo-Darwinian paradigm highlighted as being essential. Hence the phrase Dobzhansky: "In biology nothing makes sense unless considered in the light of evolution", indicating the way for the new results, from the pure scientific method, were discussed to integrate theoretical obsolete then a conceptual universe that assumes poor results and in many cases remains and is reported. A poor idea dogmatic, Darwin, expressed directly in the title of his masterpiece "The evolution of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1959), without any experimental basis and with no possibility of experimental verification because it is a tautology, engulfs all experimental results, the fruit of enormous effort and investment, and is considered the "philosophy" biology makes sense. The cause?. Mainly a series of historical coincidences. Darwin published his work a few years after the International Exhibition in London in 1951. The burgeoning British Empire need to support their development ideas of imperialism and colonialism. The idea of \u200b\u200b"Natural Selection" gets a boost even more materialistic development by itself the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. What better for companies that rely on liberal theory dictates that in nature the struggle and selection are constant basis?.
Go to: Preface
open I
What is biology? We
way to define the biology
So what is biology?
Biology studies the aspects of life q. ..
The theory of evolution by natural selection
End of prologue open
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Prolexis Second Effects
So what is biology? We
So what is biology?. Elementary, my dear Watson, the definition is provided on the first day of class in the classroom: Biology is the science of life. And from there to see it run pages of text, but ... .. a moment: Do not we also said that it is an experimental science?. Perhaps the traditional biology or classical as we said at the beginning, is a science that is experimental without being fully believed. But ... a statement so severe may require an explanation. Is it, in turn, the new biology more thoroughly experimental discipline from its origins?. Would it matter this much?. Two key when answering these questions: 1) The experimental results are now the product of a mature science and demand a public recognition of their importance against speculative theories. 2) With that and yet, life goes beyond its experimental study.
Life, a concept that attempts to capture an elusive reality. The life that flows in each of us, what we are, what essentially has occupied and preoccupied philosophers and writers for centuries. Are we going to come now and we will look through the scientific method?. Life, unique, mysterious and incomprehensible, "we will tame in the laboratory and we will explain what?. Life, which has given to the works of Teresa of Avila Benvenuto Cellini, Unamuno, .. and has been defined in a myriad of kaleidoscopic approaches by poets and writers. Life, that personal experience which Ortega said, the culmination of a life is finally clean and dramatic passion. Is it this life that we will talk about biology?. A little caution, please.
ya twentieth century, which saw pop art demonstrations hitherto unthinkable language was flourishing in an unprecedented manner in the writings of Joyce, Proust, Kafka, Borges, Carpentier, etc .... But also left in its wake many Examples of ambiguous use of language. Who is right: you think the job is a right or you think it is a privilege?. For both positions are incompatible contradictory, but, paradoxically and unfortunately, both are true. Science: includes all knowledge or obtained only experimentally repeatable?. One theory: is anything we think or know about something or theory should only be called an explanation can be verified experimentally?. The character: is synonymous with property or closer to the essence of a person?. The language has flourished and, in its growth, has enveloped the world. Has served to insulate us from reality by creating excessive complexity in the world. The language is so able to grow from itself, which often words surround us. Something similar happens with the images. We see images of actual events and instead serve to communicate, to convey information and tell us: "Move!, Because something is going on ...." Rather, they serve to dissociate the world, to ascribe more reality image and vice versa, indicating: "Quiet, only pictures." And, ... ... ... ... .. before there was a world in which the images came from the reality always directly. Not now, the reality remains the same, but also multiplies in pictures multiplied as well in words and text. But watch out, everything contains within itself its opposite, each individual has his enemy. The proliferation of reality means, paradoxically, their impoverishment. The proliferation of language, its uselessness. Hence, both towers of Babel, the biblical and the present, which we have committed. The proposed reduction of life to the method towards a better understanding, cooperation may mean the firm in its destruction.
Go to: Preface
open I
What is biology? We
way to define the biology
Biology, an experimental science's own s. ..
Biology studies the aspects of life q. ..
The theory of evolution by natural selection
End of prologue open
So what is biology?. Elementary, my dear Watson, the definition is provided on the first day of class in the classroom: Biology is the science of life. And from there to see it run pages of text, but ... .. a moment: Do not we also said that it is an experimental science?. Perhaps the traditional biology or classical as we said at the beginning, is a science that is experimental without being fully believed. But ... a statement so severe may require an explanation. Is it, in turn, the new biology more thoroughly experimental discipline from its origins?. Would it matter this much?. Two key when answering these questions: 1) The experimental results are now the product of a mature science and demand a public recognition of their importance against speculative theories. 2) With that and yet, life goes beyond its experimental study.
Life, a concept that attempts to capture an elusive reality. The life that flows in each of us, what we are, what essentially has occupied and preoccupied philosophers and writers for centuries. Are we going to come now and we will look through the scientific method?. Life, unique, mysterious and incomprehensible, "we will tame in the laboratory and we will explain what?. Life, which has given to the works of Teresa of Avila Benvenuto Cellini, Unamuno, .. and has been defined in a myriad of kaleidoscopic approaches by poets and writers. Life, that personal experience which Ortega said, the culmination of a life is finally clean and dramatic passion. Is it this life that we will talk about biology?. A little caution, please.
ya twentieth century, which saw pop art demonstrations hitherto unthinkable language was flourishing in an unprecedented manner in the writings of Joyce, Proust, Kafka, Borges, Carpentier, etc .... But also left in its wake many Examples of ambiguous use of language. Who is right: you think the job is a right or you think it is a privilege?. For both positions are incompatible contradictory, but, paradoxically and unfortunately, both are true. Science: includes all knowledge or obtained only experimentally repeatable?. One theory: is anything we think or know about something or theory should only be called an explanation can be verified experimentally?. The character: is synonymous with property or closer to the essence of a person?. The language has flourished and, in its growth, has enveloped the world. Has served to insulate us from reality by creating excessive complexity in the world. The language is so able to grow from itself, which often words surround us. Something similar happens with the images. We see images of actual events and instead serve to communicate, to convey information and tell us: "Move!, Because something is going on ...." Rather, they serve to dissociate the world, to ascribe more reality image and vice versa, indicating: "Quiet, only pictures." And, ... ... ... ... .. before there was a world in which the images came from the reality always directly. Not now, the reality remains the same, but also multiplies in pictures multiplied as well in words and text. But watch out, everything contains within itself its opposite, each individual has his enemy. The proliferation of reality means, paradoxically, their impoverishment. The proliferation of language, its uselessness. Hence, both towers of Babel, the biblical and the present, which we have committed. The proposed reduction of life to the method towards a better understanding, cooperation may mean the firm in its destruction.
Go to: Preface
open I
What is biology? We
way to define the biology
Biology, an experimental science's own s. ..
Biology studies the aspects of life q. ..
The theory of evolution by natural selection
End of prologue open
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Strongest Bridge Designs
way to define the biology
We're headed to define the biology, but we have not yet done and that we move slowly, carefully, because the language is important. So soon included in our selection of Michel Foucault's book entitled "Les Mots et les Choses." Interestingly, he is a philosopher, who tells us, at least, it is not biology. When he says
They love to stories of biology in the eighteenth century, but warns that biology does not exist ....
If Tournefort natural history, Linnaeus and Buffon is related to something other than itself, it is not the biology, comparative anatomy of Cuvier or the evolution of Darwin, but with grammar Bauzée general, the analysis of money and wealth as in Law, Veron of Fortbonnais or Turgot.
the author corrects the widely held view among a crowd of teachers and researchers in biology who, in his books and lectures, the idea spread that any approach to the study of nature is biology. Nothing is more erroneous.
The text of Foucault helps us resolve our doubts. Us closer to a definition of biology and, above all, demands, like those of other contemporary philosophers, who ciñamos our language to reality, that when we speak or write, we do about the real world and not about fantasies or assumptions. For example, in his book on the language of Nietzsche, entitled "Dionisio asleep on a tiger" (Essays / Fate 1993), Henry Lynch says
Major support systems of the past, think of Nietzsche background in primacy of the literal about what figuratively, and presupposes the literal correspondence between the world of names and the world of things
They love to stories of biology in the eighteenth century, but warns that biology does not exist ....
If Tournefort natural history, Linnaeus and Buffon is related to something other than itself, it is not the biology, comparative anatomy of Cuvier or the evolution of Darwin, but with grammar Bauzée general, the analysis of money and wealth as in Law, Veron of Fortbonnais or Turgot.
the author corrects the widely held view among a crowd of teachers and researchers in biology who, in his books and lectures, the idea spread that any approach to the study of nature is biology. Nothing is more erroneous.
The text of Foucault helps us resolve our doubts. Us closer to a definition of biology and, above all, demands, like those of other contemporary philosophers, who ciñamos our language to reality, that when we speak or write, we do about the real world and not about fantasies or assumptions. For example, in his book on the language of Nietzsche, entitled "Dionisio asleep on a tiger" (Essays / Fate 1993), Henry Lynch says
Major support systems of the past, think of Nietzsche background in primacy of the literal about what figuratively, and presupposes the literal correspondence between the world of names and the world of things
have to look forever, without rest, the fundamental correspondence between names and things that claim to the title treaty Foucault ("Les Mots et les Choses") subtitle: An Archaeology of knowledge.
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End of prologue open
Monday, May 19, 2008
Simlar To Denise Milani
What is biology? Foreword
The word biology is written for the first time in 1766, Hanover in a text entitled "Philosophiae naturalis sive physicae dogmaticae: geology, biology, phytologia dendrologiam generalis vel et terrae, et rerum viventium vegetantium in genere atque arborum scientiam "published in Halle (Germany). Thirty-six years later, in 1802 and almost simultaneously, the word appears again in two relevant texts that are "Hydrogeology" Lamarck, published in Paris and in the book of Treviranus entitled "Biologie oder Philosophie der Natur für Naturforscher und Lebende Aertze" published in Göttingen. If we are talking about a scientific discipline, it seems unreasonable to say that if there is no word that designates it is because there is no such discipline. If no word biology, no science of biology, but it's not enough word. The word must be used to designate a body of knowledge and methods that define a way to understand life, to interpret. And here we find the source of the difficulty up ads. When does biology?. It depends, see.
biology, like any field of knowledge, is the fruit of an era. But in particular, in biology, linguistics, is the result of complex knowledge, expertise and wrapped in the language that characterized the twentieth century. Before the twentieth century, biology as it is conceived today did not exist. From there, every biologist should be aware that scientific activity is not going to increase the level of knowledge of a hypothetical recipient of knowledge, but in others more complex. As he said in a conference Ángel Gabilondo, philosopher and rector of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, scientists are not as the dwarves of Snow White who stroll through the forest singing: aibo!, aibo!, tralari!, tralara!, along collecting twigs that go together in bundles of firewood. Philosophy teaches us the secrets of nature are not sticks of firewood or knowledge is measured in bundles. On the contrary, the scientist is part of nature and history and its activity is well embedded in them and affects them. Builds the world's science and biology is a good recent example. Therefore, a biologist should know, above all, how have occurred scientific revolutions and, therefore, we have included commentary on the book by Thomas Kuhn in a preferably along with other books that are not biology, but both data and knowledge fundamental to the biologist who does not want to act out of ignorance or to any person who wishes to know the reality of a scientific discipline in its historical context.
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End of prologue open
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
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open I
The task of selecting a small number of works from a larger set always contains difficulties. To do this, we need a criterion. In this prologue we are faced with two obstacles. First, define the criteria used here. Second, clarify what we want when we say "new biology" and try to distinguish it from the "other" biology, which we see as traditional, classic or less "new." This second task will only partially solved and the attempt to continue throughout the book and beyond its pages, readers' lives, but this should be a solid foundation. That is why we defined at the outset, this prologue, as open, knowing that only one word to define accurately can be a very difficult and important task. When trying to clarify what is the new biology, by the way, we will see the approach taken in the choice of books. Surely we have made no comment on a few key books which, however, we have included others not so. We recognize this as the error that always accompanies a standard that is, as this prologue, open. However, we emphasis on a feature we've been looking for when choosing books for comment and the time of writing the comments: One must find the strength that, in the language and written text, is guaranteed only by the connection between words and things. What is biology?
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The task of selecting a small number of works from a larger set always contains difficulties. To do this, we need a criterion. In this prologue we are faced with two obstacles. First, define the criteria used here. Second, clarify what we want when we say "new biology" and try to distinguish it from the "other" biology, which we see as traditional, classic or less "new." This second task will only partially solved and the attempt to continue throughout the book and beyond its pages, readers' lives, but this should be a solid foundation. That is why we defined at the outset, this prologue, as open, knowing that only one word to define accurately can be a very difficult and important task. When trying to clarify what is the new biology, by the way, we will see the approach taken in the choice of books. Surely we have made no comment on a few key books which, however, we have included others not so. We recognize this as the error that always accompanies a standard that is, as this prologue, open. However, we emphasis on a feature we've been looking for when choosing books for comment and the time of writing the comments: One must find the strength that, in the language and written text, is guaranteed only by the connection between words and things. What is biology?
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Various Bikini Wax Diagrams
Juan José Aldasoro (JJA). Royal Botanic Gardens, CSIC. Madrid. Jon
Arteaga (JA). Physical Anthropology Department, University of Murcia.
Elena de la Casa (ECE). University of Texas, Arlington. USA.
Emilio Cervantes (EC). IRNAS CSIC. Salamanca.
Andrés Galera (AG). Instituto de Historia CSIC. Madrid.
Juana Gutierrez de Diego (JGdD). Department of Biochemistry University of Salamanca. Salamanca.
Carolina Martínez Ruíz (CMR). UVA Agroforestry science department. Palencia.
Francisco David Rodríguez García (FDRG). Department of Biochemistry University of Salamanca. Salamanca.
Francisco Javier Sáenz de Cabezón (FJSC). University of California, Davis. USA. Maximum
Sandin (MS). UAM biology department. Madrid.
Contents Foreword
Part One: In about three books that are not biology, but they are fundamental.
1 - Thomas Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions . (EC)
2-Michel Foucault. Les Mots et les Choses. Archeologia Une des Sciences Humaines. (EC)
3 - Karl Popper. Conjectures and Refutations . (EC)
Part Two Obras y autores de Historia Natural, there Precursores of Paleontology Biología.
4 - Buffon. 1778. The Epochs of Nature. (AG)
5 - Lamarck. 1809. Zoological Philosophy. (MS)
6 - Cuvier. 1825. Discourse on the Revolutions of the Earth's surface and the changes they have products in the Animal Kingdom. (AG)
7 - Guyader, H. 1998. Geoffory Saint-Hilaire. A Visionary Naturalist. (CBS)
8 - Claude Bernard. 1865. Introducción al Estudio de Medicina Experimental the. (CBS)
9 - D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson. 1917. On Growth and Form. (CBS)
10 - Charles Depéret. 1929. The transformations of the animal world . (CBS) Tercera parte: Algunos textos generales sobre biología y sobre el estudio de la vida.
11- El árbol del conocimiento. Humberto Maturana y Francisco Varela . (JA)
12- Lynn Margulis y Karlene V Schwartz. Cinco Reinos. 1985. (JJA)
13- Linn Margulis. ¿Qué es la Vida?. 1996. (JA)
14- Enrico Coen. The Art of Genes (How organisms make themselves). 1999. (EC).
15- Fernando Vallejo. La Tautología Darwinista y Otros Ensayos de Biología . 1998. (EC)
16- Nick Brewin. Seed to Seed: The Secret Life of Plants. 2006. (EC)
17- Máximo Sandín. Pensando la Evolución, Pensando la Vida . 2006. (EC)
Cuarta parte: Books on zoology, botany, ecology and evolution
18 - Morgan, TH. A Critique of the Theory of Evolution. 1919. (EC)
19 - Magurran AE. Ecological Diversity and Its Ecological and Measurement Measurement.Diversidad. 1989. Magurran AE Measuring Biological Diversity. 2004. (CMR)
20 - Luken JO. Directing Ecological Succession. 1990. (CMR)
21 - Nijhout FJ. Insect Hormones. 1994. (FJSC)
22 - Gorb S. Attachment Devices of Insect Cuticle. 2001. (FJSC)
23 - SJ Gould. The Structure of the Evolutionary Theory. 2002. (EC)
Part Five: Four reviews of recent books on biochemistry, epigenetics and development and other works.
24 - Lehninger. Biochemistry. 2005. (JGdD-FDRG)
25- David Micklos, Greg A. Freyer, and David A. Crotty. DNA Science: a First Course. 2003. (FDRG-JGdD)
26- Lewis Wolpert, Jim Smith, Tom Jessell, Peter Lawrence, Elizabeth Robertson, and Elliot Meyerowitz. Principles of Development. 2006. (FDRG-JGdD)
27- CD Allis, T Jenuwein y D Reinberg. Epigenetics. 2007.(ECE)
Blogalaxia: biologia bioquimica botanica desarrollo ecologia epigenetica evolucion historia natural paleontologia zoologia ~ Technorati: biologia bioquimica botanica desarrollo ecologia epigenetica evolucion historia natural paleontologia zoologia ~ AgregaX: biologia bioquimica botanica development ecology epigenetics evolution natural history paleontology zoology
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Participants and Presentation of the book content (text back)
In approach of this book is the philosophical concerns that arose in a group of biologists. In the world of post-modernity, in which we live today, biology is undergoing a critical area, but it is difficult to understand and talk about biology, for something more general, language is corrompiendo.El language today serves a function that is exactly the opposite of its original function. The original function of language is to put men in connection with things. The words were originally reality bridges, vehicles for direct access to the knowledge of nature. Yet, today often come to be the opposite ... ... today we see how words appear whose role seems to be separate from reality, away from nature. How is it if not the words and Creationism Creationist?. What do these other terms as used ad nauseam in many biology books: Adaptation, Selection Natural?. Are scientific concepts? Someone, for far too many decades, has endeavored to take seriously empty words, ie concepts that have no place in a scientific horizon that aspires to have a minimal capacity crítica.En this book are discussed from the perspective of ten biologists twenty-three books relevant to their business. In the preface, the goals we talked about the search for a new biology that now seems necessary. We propose some conditions to be met by the new biology: Respect for others, respect for language, interdisciplinarity, and openness to the history and the humanities. Hopefully, reading of the comments may assist the reader in which he proposed new conditions that contribute to making biology a science in the service of humanity and avoid the opposite may occur.
Blogalaxia: biology critical critical capacity concern philosophy philosophical concern language nature words post-modernity respect ~ Technorati: biology critical critical capacity concern philosophy philosophical concern language nature words post-modernity respect ~ AgregaX: biology critical critical capacity concern philosophy philosophical concern language nature words post-modernity respect
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A biology textbook
The book comes with the main intention of humanizing biology: Approach to the humanities and give it a humanistic content it currently lacks ,.......

I start this blog to talk about a book he just edited in collaboration ADEBA (Association for the Development and Study of Biology in La Rioja) and Crimentales Editions.
The book is entitled "Twenty-seven open book and a foreword for a new biology" and is on sale in bookshops in Spain at a price of 10 euros. In addition, as editors have a limited number of copies for direct sale. The price is 5 Euros plus shipping (for Spain, 2 Euros, Europe: 6, 5 Euros, America: 9.5 Euros).
Enter the amount in the following account of the Caja Rioja (2037 0070 71 0113636716) and send an e-mail notice from entering or ignacio.perez @
The following entries contain information on various aspects of the book: The text of his back (presentation) , participants, content and open prologue.
The book comes with the main intention of humanizing biology: Approach to the humanities and give it a humanistic content it currently lacks ,.......
Blogalaxia: biology humanism humanist biology book biology ~ Technorati: biology humanism human biology book biology ~ AgregaX: biologia humanismo biologia humanista libro de biologia
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