So what is biology? We
So what is biology?. Elementary, my dear Watson, the definition is provided on the first day of class in the classroom: Biology is the science of life. And from there to see it run pages of text, but ... .. a moment: Do not we also said that it is an experimental science?. Perhaps the traditional biology or classical as we said at the beginning, is a science that is experimental without being fully believed. But ... a statement so severe may require an explanation. Is it, in turn, the new biology more thoroughly experimental discipline from its origins?. Would it matter this much?. Two key when answering these questions: 1) The experimental results are now the product of a mature science and demand a public recognition of their importance against speculative theories. 2) With that and yet, life goes beyond its experimental study.
Life, a concept that attempts to capture an elusive reality. The life that flows in each of us, what we are, what essentially has occupied and preoccupied philosophers and writers for centuries. Are we going to come now and we will look through the scientific method?. Life, unique, mysterious and incomprehensible, "we will tame in the laboratory and we will explain what?. Life, which has given to the works of Teresa of Avila Benvenuto Cellini, Unamuno, .. and has been defined in a myriad of kaleidoscopic approaches by poets and writers. Life, that personal experience which Ortega said, the culmination of a life is finally clean and dramatic passion. Is it this life that we will talk about biology?. A little caution, please.
ya twentieth century, which saw pop art demonstrations hitherto unthinkable language was flourishing in an unprecedented manner in the writings of Joyce, Proust, Kafka, Borges, Carpentier, etc .... But also left in its wake many Examples of ambiguous use of language. Who is right: you think the job is a right or you think it is a privilege?. For both positions are incompatible contradictory, but, paradoxically and unfortunately, both are true. Science: includes all knowledge or obtained only experimentally repeatable?. One theory: is anything we think or know about something or theory should only be called an explanation can be verified experimentally?. The character: is synonymous with property or closer to the essence of a person?. The language has flourished and, in its growth, has enveloped the world. Has served to insulate us from reality by creating excessive complexity in the world. The language is so able to grow from itself, which often words surround us. Something similar happens with the images. We see images of actual events and instead serve to communicate, to convey information and tell us: "Move!, Because something is going on ...." Rather, they serve to dissociate the world, to ascribe more reality image and vice versa, indicating: "Quiet, only pictures." And, ... ... ... ... .. before there was a world in which the images came from the reality always directly. Not now, the reality remains the same, but also multiplies in pictures multiplied as well in words and text. But watch out, everything contains within itself its opposite, each individual has his enemy. The proliferation of reality means, paradoxically, their impoverishment. The proliferation of language, its uselessness. Hence, both towers of Babel, the biblical and the present, which we have committed. The proposed reduction of life to the method towards a better understanding, cooperation may mean the firm in its destruction.
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What is biology? We
way to define the biology
Biology, an experimental science's own s. ..
Biology studies the aspects of life q. ..
The theory of evolution by natural selection
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