Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Various Bikini Wax Diagrams


Juan José Aldasoro (JJA). Royal Botanic Gardens, CSIC. Madrid. Jon
Arteaga (JA). Physical Anthropology Department, University of Murcia.
Elena de la Casa (ECE). University of Texas, Arlington. USA.
Emilio Cervantes (EC). IRNAS CSIC. Salamanca.
Andrés Galera (AG). Instituto de Historia CSIC. Madrid.
Juana Gutierrez de Diego (JGdD). Department of Biochemistry University of Salamanca. Salamanca.
Carolina Martínez Ruíz (CMR). UVA Agroforestry science department. Palencia.
Francisco David Rodríguez García (FDRG). Department of Biochemistry University of Salamanca. Salamanca.
Francisco Javier Sáenz de Cabezón (FJSC). University of California, Davis. USA. Maximum
Sandin (MS). UAM biology department. Madrid.

Contents Foreword


Part One: In about three books that are not biology, but they are fundamental.

1 - Thomas Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions . (EC)
2-Michel Foucault. Les Mots et les Choses. Archeologia Une des Sciences Humaines. (EC)
3 - Karl Popper. Conjectures and Refutations . (EC)

Part Two Obras y autores de Historia Natural, there Precursores of Paleontology Biología.

4 - Buffon. 1778. The Epochs of Nature. (AG)
5 - Lamarck. 1809. Zoological Philosophy. (MS)
6 - Cuvier. 1825. Discourse on the Revolutions of the Earth's surface and the changes they have products in the Animal Kingdom. (AG)
7 - Guyader, H. 1998. Geoffory Saint-Hilaire. A Visionary Naturalist. (CBS)
8 - Claude Bernard. 1865. Introducción al Estudio de Medicina Experimental the. (CBS)
9 - D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson. 1917. On Growth and Form. (CBS)
10 - Charles Depéret. 1929. The transformations of the animal world . (CBS) Tercera parte: Algunos textos generales sobre biología y sobre el estudio de la vida.
11- El árbol del conocimiento. Humberto Maturana y Francisco Varela . (JA)
12- Lynn Margulis y Karlene V Schwartz. Cinco Reinos. 1985. (JJA)
13- Linn Margulis. ¿Qué es la Vida?. 1996. (JA)
14- Enrico Coen. The Art of Genes (How organisms make themselves). 1999. (EC).
15- Fernando Vallejo. La Tautología Darwinista y Otros Ensayos de Biología . 1998. (EC)
16- Nick Brewin. Seed to Seed: The Secret Life of Plants. 2006. (EC)
17- Máximo Sandín. Pensando la Evolución, Pensando la Vida . 2006. (EC)

Cuarta parte: Books on zoology, botany, ecology and evolution

18 - Morgan, TH. A Critique of the Theory of Evolution. 1919. (EC)
19 - Magurran AE. Ecological Diversity and Its Ecological and Measurement Measurement.Diversidad. 1989. Magurran AE Measuring Biological Diversity. 2004. (CMR)
20 - Luken JO. Directing Ecological Succession. 1990. (CMR)
21 - Nijhout FJ. Insect Hormones. 1994. (FJSC)
22 - Gorb S. Attachment Devices of Insect Cuticle. 2001. (FJSC)
23 - SJ Gould. The Structure of the Evolutionary Theory. 2002. (EC)

Part Five: Four reviews of recent books on biochemistry, epigenetics and development and other works.

24 - Lehninger. Biochemistry. 2005. (JGdD-FDRG)
25- David Micklos, Greg A. Freyer, and David A. Crotty. DNA Science: a First Course. 2003. (FDRG-JGdD)
26- Lewis Wolpert, Jim Smith, Tom Jessell, Peter Lawrence, Elizabeth Robertson, and Elliot Meyerowitz. Principles of Development. 2006. (FDRG-JGdD)
27- CD Allis, T Jenuwein y D Reinberg. Epigenetics. 2007.(ECE)

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