Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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Poor business practices have the potential to inflict enormous damage on people, communities and the environment.
the company to receive this type of bribery is putting into play one of their main roles is to be committed to the development. That is, various works are accepted only by a sum of money, but do not see the direct or indirect impact this may have on the environment or communities. Also, in awarding certain works by means of bribery may even be discriminatory as it may be missing an alternative that would be better because it could generate greater profits.
Few business people have received training in business ethics for
This c association, Mr. Lorenzino Marzocchi was the star of such escandalode shows clearly that there has professional ethics. That is, when performing these acts of dishonesty demonstrates the lack of ethical principles, as they did not care the consequences that the decisions he took in the organization. And so there many people holding different jobs that people acted in bad faith, then being caught and punished because many times it now becomes a crime. So few men are prepared enough to assume its responsibilities in an optimal way and are only motivated by economic issues.
need to understand why ethical violations continue to occur in business
In this organization, are committed ethical violations because there was no clear control who should be chosen so that they can make works assigned. There is also corruption among the organization and in the country which are sanctioned not the best way for you so be a warning or warning to others who wish to continue carrying out this illegal. Moreover, through such acts can be seen reflected the culture that has people of that country which deal with such ethical dilemmas not be an easy task to society, and is reached to change these ethical violations takes time does not happen at any moment. For that, you have to make people aware of the consequences they bring such unethical acts.
The power and influence of business in society is greater than ever
Many of the directors of this company have been attracted by the economic interest to get large sums of money in exchange for awarding any work. Therefore, the greed of these executives have more power has caused a crisis of confidence exists in society. In addition, there are many economic interests at stake, especially in various companies that have the power to make important works that have great influence with the political sector. Furthermore, according to the research of some prosecutors on this case raised significant parts of the bribes were intended for political purposes and for the European elections. So, this certifies the way these businesses affect the different areas of society, especially in the political that has some part of state power and a commitment to society.
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On the other hand, this company has starred in more than a decade of scandals. In 2004, Milan prosecutors discovered that a certain company from ABB's Italian subsidiary awarded to a number of works had made a payment of EUR 400 000 Lorenzino Marzocchi, who was the project director at the EniPower then. These payments were made from one account to another from abroad. You knew that in the same way other companies operating in complicity with Marzocchi and other executives of the companies ENI and other companies Italwork Italian, Swiss and Belgian.
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As can be seen only spoke Italian justice who received award money for several projects. Now, what happened to companies gave money to these people because they do not pass anything.
When a person who is not involved with the crime but that is true, the willing to cooperate with justice, in a totally open, we know that this person is acting in an ethical manner, and expecting nothing in return and all I want is that there is justice for the good of society.
On the other hand, when a person who is guilty of the crime, decide to collaborate with justice in the case Most expect something in return, typically is a minor number of years in his sentence . So, given this statement, you could say that most times people who are guilty and cooperate with the law, do it with the only reason to reduce his sentence and who are not acting for favor the company or undo the damage caused to it, but just looking for a profit. In this case, it would perhaps correct his sentence reduced if these people are not really repentant and it is very probable that when he finishes his sentence repeat the offense. In that case we would be in a gray area because the law reduces the sentence of the person that works with the investigation, but such collaboration is not always given for repentance, but by personal gain.
Posted by Bertha Dominguez
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The main stakeholders in the case of bribery of ENI were politicians, financial institutions, society and employees of ENI, in that order of importance shall describe each of these groups that are affected by the actions of the ENI group.
The main stakeholder in this case is the group since its image is completely tainted. Significantly, the image is the support of political groups, as without it no power, ie without your image does not have fans that give them power, the essence of its rationale.
Therefore, when the political group was put in the bribery mess ENI group, receiving money for elections explicitly neat image that remained was dismantled in a blink of eyes losing all credibility with voters. In this way, it is impossible for the political group came to power.
Finally, the political group is taxed at the thought of the Italians as people without scruples. Thus, Who would want their nation to be led by the kind of person?. Unknowns would be generated as if that made no absolute power what will they do when coming to power?
In conclusion, bribed political group ENI is the one who lost everything to take to get into this mess, is the one that came with nothing, therefore the most affected by the situation.
financial institutions
The second stakeholder affected by the scandal are financial institutions that were dedicated to distribute the bribe money and inflate the invoices for your benefit and the benefit of Marzocchi, project manager ENI. Arrest is financial representatives who made the necessary adjustments so that this corruption is carried out.
Thus, the financiers were economically disadvantaged for a long time, but ended up paying for their crimes in jail since they were arrested. In addition, they lost credibility with its customers no longer trust in work with them because they are not neat with their work.
In conclusion, primarily financial ones were affected positively by the income it brought him receiving bribes, but when the outcome was they who paid the piper and paid the offense as if they were the masterminds.
The third stakeholder affected by the bribery of ENI is society, because although you are not intruded into the news and scandal is affected indirectly.
First, the awarding works through bribes not choose the highest bidder in the sense of better service or product, but the best for the bribe payer.
Second, society does not benefit at all to get works of firms that are not competent in their field, this means that your taxes are not intended to good use but for people to fill their pockets with money that not yours. The money invested must be explicitly for the benefit of society, and to be the retributive the state has the right to have the best in quality and efficiency and should not be choosing the best bribe to power.
In conclusion, society is greatly affected indirectly and should take into account the impact of this kind of scandal in the minds of members of society, since the optimum is to work for the benefit of society not just a few.
ENI workers
The last stakeholder affected by this scandal is the union of workers of the ENI group, since only the fact of belonging to a company that has committed fraud are affected.
First, because of the scandal must have been within the ENI condition in the working environment of workers. In their minds should be how many other cases of corruption will remain in the company I work for, will it be stable my job or at any time to close the company?. Questions like these prevent the proper performance of workers, thus eventually could become well ENI mafia inefficient.
Secondly, ENI workers may not see a future in the company and out, the model of working there will be a benefit but detrimental to your work experience, so that will be tied to a company do not think its employees and has destroyed the moral ethics. In turn, it will be very difficult to get competent staff ENI wants to come to work in your business.
In conclusion, the labor union ENI is greatly affected by all events, both at the time of the scandal and in the future. Do not allow workers to have a climate suitable aboral to do its job and does not provide the benefits of experience to stop working in ENI.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
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Through phrase "Do not eat the seeds that you plant the crop of tomorrow," can symbolize that the ENI group should consider to meet their current needs, you should not enter future capabilities to meet the present. Thus, the ENI Group, said that sustainability is a process of change and transformation into other forms of production, which creates and ensures you get Results for a good development within the organization. The ENI group raised their limits to society as well as creating economic value in the environment and society for the purpose of short and long term. It helps to be competitive because their goal is to build confidence that faded since it was affected by the bribery scandal of this entity.
- Economic Sustainability
- SOCIAL Sustainability
- Sustainability ENVIRONMENT
In this approach, the ENI group considers its corporate social activity with environmental protection.
The Italian oil company ENI is one of the most important energy is also found on the African continent. In addition, ENI has invested in projects in the Congo where the president of this energetic, Paolo Scaroni, said according to the news: "Gone are the days when we could afford to think about oil as a cheap input for economic growth and social development, regardless of its impact on the environment and future generations." However, these words were not successful with regard to the purposes of the organization to invest in the Congo for oil sands projects and palm oil as they threaten the environment considered high risk the social and environmental damage in that place . It is noteworthy that the oil sands are figured as the dirtiest oil for their extraction and processing for obtaining Syncrude uses water and excess energy. In other countries, removal of this sand has caused deforestation and environmental pollution relating to water and people in the increase of diseases like cancer. Thus, we conclude that this extraction in the Congo by ENI buffer will damage the environment, reducing the ecological biodiversity. Also, generate uncertainty about food, human rights violations and threats to these populations. ENI