Poor business practices have the potential to inflict enormous damage on people, communities and the environment.
the company to receive this type of bribery is putting into play one of their main roles is to be committed to the development. That is, various works are accepted only by a sum of money, but do not see the direct or indirect impact this may have on the environment or communities. Also, in awarding certain works by means of bribery may even be discriminatory as it may be missing an alternative that would be better because it could generate greater profits.
Few business people have received training in business ethics for
This c association, Mr. Lorenzino Marzocchi was the star of such escandalode shows clearly that there has professional ethics. That is, when performing these acts of dishonesty demonstrates the lack of ethical principles, as they did not care the consequences that the decisions he took in the organization. And so there many people holding different jobs that people acted in bad faith, then being caught and punished because many times it now becomes a crime. So few men are prepared enough to assume its responsibilities in an optimal way and are only motivated by economic issues.
need to understand why ethical violations continue to occur in business
In this organization, are committed ethical violations because there was no clear control who should be chosen so that they can make works assigned. There is also corruption among the organization and in the country which are sanctioned not the best way for you so be a warning or warning to others who wish to continue carrying out this illegal. Moreover, through such acts can be seen reflected the culture that has people of that country which deal with such ethical dilemmas not be an easy task to society, and is reached to change these ethical violations takes time does not happen at any moment. For that, you have to make people aware of the consequences they bring such unethical acts.
The power and influence of business in society is greater than ever
Many of the directors of this company have been attracted by the economic interest to get large sums of money in exchange for awarding any work. Therefore, the greed of these executives have more power has caused a crisis of confidence exists in society. In addition, there are many economic interests at stake, especially in various companies that have the power to make important works that have great influence with the political sector. Furthermore, according to the research of some prosecutors on this case raised significant parts of the bribes were intended for political purposes and for the European elections. So, this certifies the way these businesses affect the different areas of society, especially in the political that has some part of state power and a commitment to society.
Posted by Katterine Flores
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