ENI Groups Performance
The main stakeholders in the case of bribery of ENI were politicians, financial institutions, society and employees of ENI, in that order of importance shall describe each of these groups that are affected by the actions of the ENI group.
The main stakeholder in this case is the group since its image is completely tainted. Significantly, the image is the support of political groups, as without it no power, ie without your image does not have fans that give them power, the essence of its rationale.
Therefore, when the political group was put in the bribery mess ENI group, receiving money for elections explicitly neat image that remained was dismantled in a blink of eyes losing all credibility with voters. In this way, it is impossible for the political group came to power.
Finally, the political group is taxed at the thought of the Italians as people without scruples. Thus, Who would want their nation to be led by the kind of person?. Unknowns would be generated as if that made no absolute power what will they do when coming to power?
In conclusion, bribed political group ENI is the one who lost everything to take to get into this mess, is the one that came with nothing, therefore the most affected by the situation.
financial institutions
The second stakeholder affected by the scandal are financial institutions that were dedicated to distribute the bribe money and inflate the invoices for your benefit and the benefit of Marzocchi, project manager ENI. Arrest is financial representatives who made the necessary adjustments so that this corruption is carried out.
Thus, the financiers were economically disadvantaged for a long time, but ended up paying for their crimes in jail since they were arrested. In addition, they lost credibility with its customers no longer trust in work with them because they are not neat with their work.
In conclusion, primarily financial ones were affected positively by the income it brought him receiving bribes, but when the outcome was they who paid the piper and paid the offense as if they were the masterminds.
The third stakeholder affected by the bribery of ENI is society, because although you are not intruded into the news and scandal is affected indirectly.
First, the awarding works through bribes not choose the highest bidder in the sense of better service or product, but the best for the bribe payer.
Second, society does not benefit at all to get works of firms that are not competent in their field, this means that your taxes are not intended to good use but for people to fill their pockets with money that not yours. The money invested must be explicitly for the benefit of society, and to be the retributive the state has the right to have the best in quality and efficiency and should not be choosing the best bribe to power.
In conclusion, society is greatly affected indirectly and should take into account the impact of this kind of scandal in the minds of members of society, since the optimum is to work for the benefit of society not just a few.
ENI workers
The last stakeholder affected by this scandal is the union of workers of the ENI group, since only the fact of belonging to a company that has committed fraud are affected.
First, because of the scandal must have been within the ENI condition in the working environment of workers. In their minds should be how many other cases of corruption will remain in the company I work for, will it be stable my job or at any time to close the company?. Questions like these prevent the proper performance of workers, thus eventually could become well ENI mafia inefficient.
Secondly, ENI workers may not see a future in the company and out, the model of working there will be a benefit but detrimental to your work experience, so that will be tied to a company do not think its employees and has destroyed the moral ethics. In turn, it will be very difficult to get competent staff ENI wants to come to work in your business.
In conclusion, the labor union ENI is greatly affected by all events, both at the time of the scandal and in the future. Do not allow workers to have a climate suitable aboral to do its job and does not provide the benefits of experience to stop working in ENI.
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