ENI (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi ) is a company that operates oil and natural gas, electricity generation and sale, petrochemicals, engineering and construction, which has excellent skills and a strong market position worldwide. Each action is characterized by a strong commitment to sustainable development: people contribute to the development and welfare of the communities in which they operate, respect the environment, investment in technological innovation, search for energy efficiency and mitigate climate change risks.
On the other hand, this company has starred in more than a decade of scandals. In 2004, Milan prosecutors discovered that a certain company from ABB's Italian subsidiary awarded to a number of works had made a payment of EUR 400 000 Lorenzino Marzocchi, who was the project director at the EniPower then. These payments were made from one account to another from abroad. You knew that in the same way other companies operating in complicity with Marzocchi and other executives of the companies ENI and other companies Italwork Italian, Swiss and Belgian.
On the other hand, this company has starred in more than a decade of scandals. In 2004, Milan prosecutors discovered that a certain company from ABB's Italian subsidiary awarded to a number of works had made a payment of EUR 400 000 Lorenzino Marzocchi, who was the project director at the EniPower then. These payments were made from one account to another from abroad. You knew that in the same way other companies operating in complicity with Marzocchi and other executives of the companies ENI and other companies Italwork Italian, Swiss and Belgian.
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