Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wedding Koozies Ideas

Pakistan Youth: promise or threat? China India

Gloria Alvarez Desanti, DPhil.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, 40% of the population is under 30 years. In Costa Rica the electoral roll consists of 42% of young people today and this percentage will increase.

The importance of investing in youth development is essential. Through this we can reduce poverty. appropriate policies are not taking it far enough. programs are needed social inclusion. are not developing appropriate programs of vocational and technical training that young people need to address labor market needs, and are dedicated enough resources in the region to do so. Young people are facing a crisis of global employment and recent developments of the Middle East prove it. Not enough jobs for young people and this could go worse every day. projections of the International Labour Organization is that in Latin America during the next ten years, a billion young people will enter the labor market and this will not be able to absorb them.

Some consider it necessary to create greater opportunities to develop entrepreneurial and financial young people to enable them to develop their own business. no clutch, if the region continues to grow economically, we know that any project in this direction will not fruit in the expected range.

In Latin America 83 million children living in poverty are daily victims of violence and social exclusion . prevention programs are needed of violent behavior, drug treatment, prevention of teenage pregnancies that aggravate poverty reproduction. most explosive combination is in the cities of our region's poverty, violence and drugs that trap young people in vicious circles from which escape is difficult and expensive rehabilitation programs. gangs or maras become attractive, hard fight, and increasingly linked to drug cartels.

Young people must be part of the country. should participate in making policy decisions the nation. remember that young people throughout history have played an effective role in transforming social and political values \u200b\u200bas in the Revolution of 1968 (Mexico, Finland), May 1968 in France, opposition to the Vietnam War, Revolution Jasmine in Tunisia and the youth revolution in Egypt. can also be a positive source of change.

The point is that the older generation and values \u200b\u200bproperly reflect our responsibilities to the development of youth. Our challenge is to be as clever enough to stimulate constructive youth struggle. Youth has lofty ideals, orientémoslos, let's help, giving them their space, to fight for a more just and fraternal society. Youth is generous, home and school must work together to develop the values \u200b\u200bof social justice, solidarity, equality, respect for others. We educate our children to be active part of the economic and social development that our country needs. But we have a broad social inclusion programs to combat the cycle of poverty and violence that can affect young people. Must perceive a real growth opportunities for alternatives to drugs and violence. We identify youth at risk and develop comprehensive and ambitious programs of prevention. Youth offers the promise of a better society, but society does not offer the ways of this promising future, we have to face increased violence and drug addiction.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How Do Lymphoma Rashes Look

Business Meeting with Lucy Amado

ENCUENTROS DE NEGOCIOS EN SAMBIL MARACAIBO El Centro Sambil Maracaibo, Cines Unidos, Digital 58, y Lucy Amado, te invita a formar parte de los Encuentro de Negocios, todos los últimos martes de cada mes, a partir de las 10:00 a.m. en las instalaciones de C ines Unidos, talleres totalmente gratuitos que aportaran puntos claves en las estrategias de atención al cliente, promoción y ventas, así como también todas aquellas competencias necesarias en el desarrollo personal. Te esperamos y te darás cuenta que Encuentro de Negocios será parte de tu agenda todos los meses!!! Nuestro Punto de Encuentro!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Great Food To Make On Campus

Gloria Rodríguez Álvarez Desanti and Glorianna

India is the second most populous country, which achieved its independence the UK until 1947 due to non-violence movement Mahatama Gandhi who led his civil disobedience campaigns. India is known for its rich cultural and commercial development throughout its history that drew in the sixteenth century the European powers to colonize . The Constitution of India, 1950 defines it as a socialist republic, secular and democratic. We note that was characterized by be a country where the models were applied to Soviet-inspired planning.

The contemporary India is characterized by a pluralistic and tolerant society. This great nation is emerging as an economic force and politics on the world stage without ceasing to be an intensely religious and spiritual society. Although India is associated internationally with the Hindu religion, demonstrates social reality of religious plurality. In India it is practiced Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism. The constitution states that it is a secular country. However, there is a militant secularism of French style, which implies the exclusion of all religions. Rather, the state promotes all religions. Nehru, the prime minister after independence allowed each community to maintain its civil laws regulating marriage, divorces, births and inheritance. This allowed India to develop effectively is a pluralistic society , secular, tolerant and inclusive.

India is the world's largest democracy. Nehru wanted to imitate the English parliamentary model. While other political leaders wanted to establish limitations on the right to vote; Nehru advocated universal suffrage. He managed to turn it into a democracy without a middle class or a high level of literacy. Today poverty to 43% of malnourished children and illiteracy of 35% of Indians, the Supreme Court adopted a radical response, stating that the economic and social rights are fundamental rights and legally enforceable. Therefore, it is the government's obligation to satisfy them. Since 2001, the Supreme Court ruled that the government should provide every child a lunch for school. While the demands of the Court does not always take effect. However, it shows that not only have internalized many of the fundamental values \u200b\u200bbut also have the will to try to implement them. That should give us hope that India's growth would not be purely economic. Rather, the possibility exists that accompanied economic transformation by a social transformation and therefore achieve India enshrine human rights as everyday reality.

regard to gender equity is necessary to note that in March 2010 approved that one third of seats in the National Parliament should be reserved for women.

Finally, India is recognized as a power dynamic, emerging with a strong middle class. Some economists believe will eventually be overcome to China. That should to demographic factors. Unlike China, India has a young population and growing. A democratic system that allows private enterprises to flourish globally compete. The evolution of India is an interesting and unique phenomenon. Due to their specific socio-historical is a pluralistic society. That particular affected the political arena, their inclusive secularism model that promotes stability and peace among various religious communities. Is reflected in social attitudes respect human rights. India is reconciling its ancient traditions with some of these universal legal values.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Samantha 38 G Full Lenght

Gloria Alvarez Desanti, Ph.D.

China has managed to maintain a very effective system of strict security in major cities during the three weeks of protests The government has held what was considered provocative online. Access to mobile phone messages was suspended, helicopters have flown over the city. The dissidents have been arrested and accused of endangering national security. It has been reported China to the Organization of the Defenders of Human Rights more than 100 individuals are under arrest, even an activist has been detained in a mental hospital. Journalists can not report unless they are accredited by the government and are forbidden to go to the air protest.

Chinese people was sympathetic to the peaceful demonstrations of the Middle East. The reality of the moment China demand more and better employment opportunities and protection of housing rights. The Chinese are migrating from rural to urban air for better jobs and higher wages. This comes in an economic environment where social inequality grows and more expensive staple foods every day. The revolution of jasmine can be found followers in other people in need of economic reform not to create more social unrest. worth noting that the government increased spending on police.

growth China's economic above 7%, has meant greater demand for consumer goods both domestic and foreign, which has brought positive and negative consequences for the rest of the world. China's growth means more demand oil and raw materials, leading to rising tobacco in the world as a result of increased product demand due to increased purchasing power of the Asian population (both China of India).

We are in a sad crossroads of development, the rapid incorporation of millions of poor labor market, leads to an increase in the purchasing power of goods and services, which increases prices in the international market, particularly those in basic , with negative consequences for the poor worldwide. The reduction of poverty in countries like China and India have a direct impact on the global economy. Demand for raw materials and oil exhaustible. The rapid growth of this region has defined the global direction. While his government is able to respond to social discontent subsidy policies for housing and improve working conditions will be difficult to develop a similar situation in the Middle East.

On the other hand, countries that produce what China demand will grow rapidly, as they are doing in South America (Brazil, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and even Bolivia). Those who do not produce these goods will face price increases of oil, raw materials and foodstuffs. They are proposed as options to countries like Costa Rica, increase production of goods of high global demand, or at least indirectly benefit from increased trade with the high-growth countries such as South America. trading strategy focuses excessively on the developed countries may not be the most effective at this time. New free trade agreements are the order of the day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

40 Weeks Menstrual Cramping

The lie that destroyed a nation

Gloria Alvarez Desanti, Ph.D

Iraq, known as the cradle of civilization, was where they developed several empires of antiquity, which made it a culturally rich area. is where writing comes. In 1980, the Iraqi economy was prosperous, depended on the production of oil . But beginning in September of that year war against neighboring Iran to curb the spread of radical Islamic regime Khomeini and the interests of multinational oil from the wells of black gold at the border. In this adventure Hussein was supported by the United States, France and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics . This time the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein was questioned internationally for the use of chemical weapons against Iranians and his own Kurdish population. Later, in 1990, Hussein invaded and annexed the territory of Kuwait. This led to an international coalition to defeat Iraq in the First Gulf War.

In 2002, the U.S. government accuses the regime of Saddam Hussein of having links with the Al Qadea and possess weapons of mass destruction. On February 5, 2003, Colin Powell, Secretary of State for the U.S.. UU. submitting the complaint to the United Nations to justify the war in Iraq , based on the statements of Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi to German and U.S. intelligence.

The invasion of Iraq began on March 20, 2003 by a multinational coalition composed mostly by U.S. troops and English. is estimated that more than one million people died. The Pentagon reported that 4,247 U.S. soldiers lost their lives and 34,268 were injured. the U.S. government for the war had cost a billion dollars and nine billion dollars to the United Kingdom. invasion quickly defeated the Iraqi government. But it began a strong resistance against the multinational coalition. was generated strong violence by Iraqi insurgents. Began a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites who was the cause of most of the deaths of civilians. After the capture and execution of Saddam Hussein, the problems and economic policy are not stabilized. Iraq becomes the second most unstable country in the world. Its infrastructure was destroyed. After an eight-year war, the government has not been able today to provide electricity to its citizens. The economic consequences of the war in Iraq to the United States were terrible too. The Bush administration has financed the war without including the expenses as part of the budget deficit and thus were not sent to Congress the budget, but these had to be paid sooner or later. This was a fiscal irresponsibility government had to face Obama. The war ended on 19 August 2010.

remember that the weapons inspectors of the United Nations has never found evidence of weapons of mass destruction, or failed to demonstrate the relationship between Hussein and Al Qaeda .

On 15 February 2011, Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi admitted that he lied. His story was a fabrication. In his remarks to The Guardian (English) said. "They gave me this opportunity. I had the opportunity to invent something to overthrow the regime." Add to this the revelations Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in his memoirs in which supports the program of weapons of mass destruction did not exist in Iraq.

Colin Powell claimed that the CIA has given clear explanations.

Unfortunately, world opinion seems to have interested these statements that invalidate the justification for a war that destroyed a nation.