Sunday, March 6, 2011

Samantha 38 G Full Lenght

Gloria Alvarez Desanti, Ph.D.

China has managed to maintain a very effective system of strict security in major cities during the three weeks of protests The government has held what was considered provocative online. Access to mobile phone messages was suspended, helicopters have flown over the city. The dissidents have been arrested and accused of endangering national security. It has been reported China to the Organization of the Defenders of Human Rights more than 100 individuals are under arrest, even an activist has been detained in a mental hospital. Journalists can not report unless they are accredited by the government and are forbidden to go to the air protest.

Chinese people was sympathetic to the peaceful demonstrations of the Middle East. The reality of the moment China demand more and better employment opportunities and protection of housing rights. The Chinese are migrating from rural to urban air for better jobs and higher wages. This comes in an economic environment where social inequality grows and more expensive staple foods every day. The revolution of jasmine can be found followers in other people in need of economic reform not to create more social unrest. worth noting that the government increased spending on police.

growth China's economic above 7%, has meant greater demand for consumer goods both domestic and foreign, which has brought positive and negative consequences for the rest of the world. China's growth means more demand oil and raw materials, leading to rising tobacco in the world as a result of increased product demand due to increased purchasing power of the Asian population (both China of India).

We are in a sad crossroads of development, the rapid incorporation of millions of poor labor market, leads to an increase in the purchasing power of goods and services, which increases prices in the international market, particularly those in basic , with negative consequences for the poor worldwide. The reduction of poverty in countries like China and India have a direct impact on the global economy. Demand for raw materials and oil exhaustible. The rapid growth of this region has defined the global direction. While his government is able to respond to social discontent subsidy policies for housing and improve working conditions will be difficult to develop a similar situation in the Middle East.

On the other hand, countries that produce what China demand will grow rapidly, as they are doing in South America (Brazil, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and even Bolivia). Those who do not produce these goods will face price increases of oil, raw materials and foodstuffs. They are proposed as options to countries like Costa Rica, increase production of goods of high global demand, or at least indirectly benefit from increased trade with the high-growth countries such as South America. trading strategy focuses excessively on the developed countries may not be the most effective at this time. New free trade agreements are the order of the day.


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