Gloria Alvarez Desanti, DPhil.
In Latin America and the Caribbean, 40% of the population is under 30 years. In Costa Rica the electoral roll consists of 42% of young people today and this percentage will increase.
The importance of investing in youth development is essential. Through this we can reduce poverty. appropriate policies are not taking it far enough. programs are needed social inclusion. are not developing appropriate programs of vocational and technical training that young people need to address labor market needs, and are dedicated enough resources in the region to do so. Young people are facing a crisis of global employment and recent developments of the Middle East prove it. Not enough jobs for young people and this could go worse every day. projections of the International Labour Organization is that in Latin America during the next ten years, a billion young people will enter the labor market and this will not be able to absorb them.
Some consider it necessary to create greater opportunities to develop entrepreneurial and financial young people to enable them to develop their own business. no clutch, if the region continues to grow economically, we know that any project in this direction will not fruit in the expected range.
In Latin America 83 million children living in poverty are daily victims of violence and social exclusion . prevention programs are needed of violent behavior, drug treatment, prevention of teenage pregnancies that aggravate poverty reproduction. most explosive combination is in the cities of our region's poverty, violence and drugs that trap young people in vicious circles from which escape is difficult and expensive rehabilitation programs. gangs or maras become attractive, hard fight, and increasingly linked to drug cartels.
Young people must be part of the country. should participate in making policy decisions the nation. remember that young people throughout history have played an effective role in transforming social and political values \u200b\u200bas in the Revolution of 1968 (Mexico, Finland), May 1968 in France, opposition to the Vietnam War, Revolution Jasmine in Tunisia and the youth revolution in Egypt. can also be a positive source of change.
The point is that the older generation and values \u200b\u200bproperly reflect our responsibilities to the development of youth. Our challenge is to be as clever enough to stimulate constructive youth struggle. Youth has lofty ideals, orientémoslos, let's help, giving them their space, to fight for a more just and fraternal society. Youth is generous, home and school must work together to develop the values \u200b\u200bof social justice, solidarity, equality, respect for others. We educate our children to be active part of the economic and social development that our country needs. But we have a broad social inclusion programs to combat the cycle of poverty and violence that can affect young people. Must perceive a real growth opportunities for alternatives to drugs and violence. We identify youth at risk and develop comprehensive and ambitious programs of prevention. Youth offers the promise of a better society, but society does not offer the ways of this promising future, we have to face increased violence and drug addiction.
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