Sunday, March 20, 2011

Great Food To Make On Campus

Gloria Rodríguez Álvarez Desanti and Glorianna

India is the second most populous country, which achieved its independence the UK until 1947 due to non-violence movement Mahatama Gandhi who led his civil disobedience campaigns. India is known for its rich cultural and commercial development throughout its history that drew in the sixteenth century the European powers to colonize . The Constitution of India, 1950 defines it as a socialist republic, secular and democratic. We note that was characterized by be a country where the models were applied to Soviet-inspired planning.

The contemporary India is characterized by a pluralistic and tolerant society. This great nation is emerging as an economic force and politics on the world stage without ceasing to be an intensely religious and spiritual society. Although India is associated internationally with the Hindu religion, demonstrates social reality of religious plurality. In India it is practiced Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism. The constitution states that it is a secular country. However, there is a militant secularism of French style, which implies the exclusion of all religions. Rather, the state promotes all religions. Nehru, the prime minister after independence allowed each community to maintain its civil laws regulating marriage, divorces, births and inheritance. This allowed India to develop effectively is a pluralistic society , secular, tolerant and inclusive.

India is the world's largest democracy. Nehru wanted to imitate the English parliamentary model. While other political leaders wanted to establish limitations on the right to vote; Nehru advocated universal suffrage. He managed to turn it into a democracy without a middle class or a high level of literacy. Today poverty to 43% of malnourished children and illiteracy of 35% of Indians, the Supreme Court adopted a radical response, stating that the economic and social rights are fundamental rights and legally enforceable. Therefore, it is the government's obligation to satisfy them. Since 2001, the Supreme Court ruled that the government should provide every child a lunch for school. While the demands of the Court does not always take effect. However, it shows that not only have internalized many of the fundamental values \u200b\u200bbut also have the will to try to implement them. That should give us hope that India's growth would not be purely economic. Rather, the possibility exists that accompanied economic transformation by a social transformation and therefore achieve India enshrine human rights as everyday reality.

regard to gender equity is necessary to note that in March 2010 approved that one third of seats in the National Parliament should be reserved for women.

Finally, India is recognized as a power dynamic, emerging with a strong middle class. Some economists believe will eventually be overcome to China. That should to demographic factors. Unlike China, India has a young population and growing. A democratic system that allows private enterprises to flourish globally compete. The evolution of India is an interesting and unique phenomenon. Due to their specific socio-historical is a pluralistic society. That particular affected the political arena, their inclusive secularism model that promotes stability and peace among various religious communities. Is reflected in social attitudes respect human rights. India is reconciling its ancient traditions with some of these universal legal values.


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