Carlos Monsivais and 25 years of The Colef
An excuse to specify the questions, provide amusement to his talk at the 25th Anniversary of the Colegio de la Frontera Norte and the Tijuana Cultural Center and and close a series of conferences that came to hold Tijuana.
Carlos Monsivais: "I think the CECUT has been indispensable, but I also believe that now is the time when they have to rethink many of the gains, because certainly the situation has changed very dramatically.
"Everything has changed, everything has to do in a very emphatic with the idea of \u200b\u200ba society for multiple reasons suddenly decides he can not let the crush Legend and also the legend and basically has nothing to do with most of its inhabitants and even the minority has to do differently.
"That's one of the factors that change very drastically the northern border. And since then reconstructs the northern border, it loses its character as a place of passage but not entirely in substance. While it would be a runner did not have that opportunity to talk about herself. Is rehabilitated and is disabled morally known industrial development is allowed to invade and decimate by drug traffickers, however, have failed to round up the company.
"With everything that has happened and all the data we have and all I see no murders in the city of Tijuana cornered a society, yes intimidated, embarrassed at times yes, but not cornered. And the test has been the development of higher education.
"It diversifies and ends in politics. Click their university systems and their cultural groups. So no one would want, but compared to the above and very strong, especially in a growing process.
"Forget about the legends of the small-scale service. A large-scale whole country not be forgotten, neither the U.S. nor almost any country.
"It is with phenomena of crime and women killed in Ciudad Juarez is morally degrading slavery in the maquiladoras, which also hurt the ecosystem. It integrates fully with the U.S. economy.
"Let some of its intellectuals want to preserve national identity and want to kill outright. Remains under the abuse of centralism, but categorically, and this is what basic living northern border confusion: Is it creating new forms, is prelude to the dream of migration, is kidnapped by the drug field, is a society that nevertheless unfolds?
"In 1970, in the cultural field, the northern border, and more specifically Tijuana, no mythology, a time that is called popular superstitions, or inclinations of the people. And it has made sacred, or irreverent. In fact one could say that it's up to the College of the Northern Border structure the first vision the subject. And here the need for research, research that demand.
"In the first stage, the battle is to determine the identity, which is mixed with the new invention: the identity of Tijuana, which if I am to be honest it is not most fertile here was created. That no longer be needed, something impossible, draws on surveys where the attachment to national values \u200b\u200breaches a comfortable 80 percent. This is intertwined with the determinism that dominates the first half of the twentieth century, monolithic process governed by the United States.
"And the first rule that determinism is obvious: the U.S. is the great power Mexico is a weak country. I think that has not been released and the reasons are multiple, all understandable. Has not been released either in the investigation or the perception of the northern border.
"will also be giving at the same time the allegations of determinism, cultural mental psychological break with determinism center the Republic. Before if you wanted to guide its relationship with modernity, the provinces, were not yet residents of the regions, looking to City of Mexico, then to go and unifying the whole country stops centralism be as specific and by now City of Mexico is the ancient promise that lives among the ruins. We come to escape the day to identify our identity.
"My experience is that Tijuana Tijuana no not from the other hand, starts having Tijuana third generation, but recently was not common.
"And above all there is Tijuana, and here I do not think there are exceptions to the rule, which does not accumulate adjacent traditions. That there is no Tijuana has nothing to do with the Sinaloa, Nayarit so, with what you want, that file is a real regional experience in Tijuana.
"What accumulated knowledge will serve the new arrivals from the northern border, between humiliation, hopes of accommodation, charms and frustrations and disappointments, which are indispensable knowledge migrants and whoever does not cease to be because the notion of boundary structure from migration.
"Can we talk about Tijuana Juarez city of Matamoros, as migrants settled cities, because there is a push and a mobility that persists despite the experiences of belonging.
"How to live the consciousness of the hills, including architecture, these hills where mythical and hosts a really great fundamental part of life Tijuana. And what is the difference between a popular neighborhood of this point and a 'ghetto'.
"In what way are internalized among Mexicans living in Mexico playing Anglo society, how much of Anglo society left for California. How to recognize, adapt, assimilate and incorporate immigrants to both social mobility: the United States is blunt and to the northern border which it believed it already is.
"The processes of Mexicans in Mexico and Mexicans in the United States are obviously different for economic, social psychology, legal documents, working days of family and friendship networks, handling linguistic, cultural certainties of sexual ties, sense of fun.
"That yes indeed locate the third nation, not as something different from Tijuana Mexico and the United States but to Mexico, which differs from accepted notions and experienced profuse and increasingly more confused.
"When I say this I give great validity to the character of the ideas, the way in which they live or living a reality.
"says a poet U.S.: 'One does not inhabit a city, but his description. " And I think this is very true to a greater extent than may be expected. I dwell not City of Mexico, not City of Mexico, but in the description that I have done for decades of City of Mexico.
"And the way that this description matches and differs from the dominant, and I think also the description of Tijuana is a description that has not been updated.
"Using these notes, I found that my difference was greater, was still living in a description or which corresponds to only one aspect of violence or corresponds to old notions so far from downtown or up to more recent notions of the still, what still does not cross the border, but do not live an update to integrate all these elements, I have not seen the synthesis, on the other side is a fact is noted in almost every country and in almost every city.
"Mexico City I live it, is quite different from reality, because in that case would be to accept that one is living in an environment already hit its historic roof. By traffic, water shortages and so on.
"What notion of Peru was a week ago and which definition we have now. Not so much that the earthquake has changed, but certainly does change, but one with the elements is undeniable and the description that was lived in Lima.
"Mexico is a nation other than the Mexico that still one located in the novels, articles, essays, even the polls.
"What is Mexico. Not to read a page from the dictionary and plunging into the abyss chauvinist, and once certified law, history, the scope of national culture, add a mixture of views and certainties.
"Between other possible interpretations, Mexico, the Mexico of which it forms part of both vanguard and rearguard, the northern border, Mexico is a bundle of forces involved in a social landscape, economic, political and cultural environment that unifies the wrong way .
"A Republic in which he ruled for 71 years the same party, authoritarian capable of some rather old and achievements for decades, unable to renew or abandon the strategy Basic: The consecration of impunity. This year Mexico will grow 3 percent, which in Latin America Terminator is an absolute minimum.
"Mexico is of extreme inequality, which exacerbates the demographic fertility. Predatory practice that ignores the rights of future generations and specializes in the ecocide.
"The picture is a daily accumulation, for short, if you check the newspapers, on the same day brings the protest of the inhabitants of Cancun to the beaches sales , the protest of the family of the Pasta de Conchos mine, because only was given 700 000 pesos each for this tragedy as monstrous, the protest of the Bishop of Saltillo to the impunity of those who violated these kids.
"And so on. When you read the papers in such detail, you will find both a lively country and a country struggling to finish no choke impunity. And this will also get a Tijuana newspaper with variants of the case.
"The uneven development that accompanied a long period social mobility of large sections. Redirecting growth, privatized since the 1980's by neoliberalism. A tree totem mythologies contradictory and complementary. The inability to retain social state and each year half a million people who migrate in search of utopia essential: The work that ensures opportunities for oneself, and final, for the family.
"Always in all tests and analysis to see what everything is based immigration in the future to the extent that the future of children is more important than the present condition workers.
"is sending the miracle of comfort, progress, etc., to the next generation. I think a fundamental fact which once again reaffirms the role of the family, while family life insurance is the present and the only place you can live the utopia of people.
"people's utopia is not in society but in children, and this is so contagious, I have no children, then I'm already thinking about the future of my grandchildren, otherwise I would not feel comfortable.
"But it's funny, over and over again, such as migrants from Michoacan or Jalisco or Oaxaca or Puebla, which have now colonized 'Broadway'; what dominates is the feeling that they no longer touched, but it will pass to their children and because they touch their children to touch them. It is a future of happiness that comes from feedback from the future, which I think is a very complex mechanism, but no less real.
"The account of exploits, losses and ritual killings, seasoned with frankly very slow democratic progress.
"Popular culture joyful and suffering that comes from the indigenous rites, Catholicism and passes through mixed fermentation. Seize the impact of the entertainment industry and knows the urban boom in the first half of the twentieth century.
"space right in the middle class earning what you lose in society. If you see what has happened in recent years the right has not won a single cultural victory, has lost all, one after another.
"From the miniskirt to the recent barrage of the governor of Jalisco against condom has not won one, but as it might in the right cultural battles lost and the no political life. This is one of the enigmas which we live.
"The helplessness of impunity below and above. Learning the principle of individualism forced into something that compensates for the failure of the community pulse.
"Opportunism as a survival technique: if you do not flatter, notice me, could be one of the slogans of the opportunist. It is opportunistic to avoid attention, the opposite of what is believed to be opportunistic attention. It is opportunistic to avoid attention.
"The tradition of hospitality as a method of integration that can still be seen on the southern border and I think it can be seen on the northern border.
"the relaxation as the great community attachment. The southern border and that without that rigor is not considered to border, just south of the border talks to cite cases of repression, abuse, injustice palpable.
"President Zedillo said what we complain about how they treat the Mexicans in the U.S.: we have to see how we treat the Central Americans in the southern border, drew attention complained the president being the president and can do something to prevent this abuse, but no, he was away from that topic.
"The northern border, the last tule, the end or the beginning of civilization assumed by the nation.
"Since the war of 47, the quintessential border in Mexico is really symbolic, cultural, material, that is going to shape the communities that inhabit it. Being a border is to be something more and something less than a national, means what is about to. When he is satisfied that is the rule and he has first-hand. For that to occur the essence Colef focus on the border is defined by the country, I think the country is defined in the first instance the border, not the center.
"The center is the consummation and integration of the definitions, but the first national definition has to come from the border and if you say the border is almost forced to delete it north, because, again, the southern border in terminology is that imaginary border, border itself is what is now the wall, now the mistreatment of migrants, paying now lives attempting to cross.
"But although there are many deaths in the southern border and deaths of injustice and shame of police, border is not considered and therefore the country's definition starts from the fact that the border that is at once a sharp division, a kind of prison, makes us aware of our limitations.
"Any definition must start from the consciousness of limits, and ours is the border now, a grotesque parody, the building of the wall used to it illegal workers.
"What strikes me is that it has been considered by the investigators themselves, by social organizations themselves, by some other bishops, but has not been considered by the Mexican government as an insult and a humiliation, because the wall is not only a sign of mistrust, is a rejection of a nation, not those attempting to cross illegally, but a nation to the extent that it produces each year half million people who want to cross without papers due.
"is a lecture, is a disqualification ethics, to the extent that the government of (George) Bush to engage in that nonsense, a government like Bush who has a disqualification ethics is a contradiction in terms, but I am struck by how the media center recorded as no great wrong so yes it is, because they assume, and that it is also involved the definition, assume that the Engineering immigrants to pass.
"Then they attach to the ingenuity of the migrants the ability to circumvent the humiliation that he violates the whole country and this brings me back to the idea that it is a society that includes the malice, the trap between the skills or characteristics of its inhabitants, because it is known that ordered to have no chance of being taken account without a minimization of its possibilities.
"I think, what I like much of what has been done in El Colegio de la Frontera is the way in which they ventured into a reality in the way they have verified the legends, customs, which have been increasingly finding migrants.
"The great map of Mexico migrates, in a symbolic meaning here it is all Mexico, when I say that Mexico is the third nation to count the U.S. as the former is because the momentum is shifting increasingly entrenched to the extent that social mobility has been suspended.
"The dream of geographical mobility at the moment is what really holds the decline or destruction of social mobility. And I think that geographical mobility has been examined with great accuracy in many works since then El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. "I see that there is an attempt to categorize, to inquire and clarify typologically in Mexico migrant who is, like it or not, the most vivid and Mexico migrant who all belong.
"I always insist that Americanization is not a topic that may devoted to them so long because it takes more than a century. Meeting the first resignation of Americanization in chronicles of 1896. In a chronic Ramon Lopez Velarde, 1913, in the chronicles of Jose Juan Tablada, 1920.
"What is now, has Mexicanized Americanization, and in that sense I think that migrants have been the spearhead of the Mexicanization of Americanization, it does not is a play on words but strictly what has been happening.
"never fought both nationalism and has been left for dead as now, never has there been so much exploration of the national. As you may be nationalism declares dead while you review just what are the doctoral thesis: 95 percent has to do with national issues.
"So declared the death of nationalism that has followed an exaltation of nationalism in each of its facets as I did not expect to be given and this is also about with the fact that this endless stream of migration that has turned the country, knowledge of tradition is essential to take something.
"No as in the Aeneid , but to be the indispensable knowledge of what was in this endless migration can be completed perfectly in the cubicle which has been and in the house where he has always lived.
"But that's why there is less migration and I feel that the contribution of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte has been indispensable but now you I think there is a change to be noticed.
"Cultural Studies has been and is the area of \u200b\u200bEl Colef centered not so quantifiable dimension of the northern border. As noted, part of the review of customs, beliefs, legends and myths are part of that, but the development of cultural studies requires the analysis of literatures, cultures and beliefs compared.
"I think that both in the universities of the border, both in national and Colef have to give this review of literature, imaginary comparison, otherwise nationalism and here it is very expensive to collect accounts.
"No progress in understanding the realities of Mexico if it is investigated and deeply into the realities of the United States, that Jorge Bustamante knows well: how much it cost to create study centers in the United States in Mexico, and to what extent was first-yet as the result.
"If we explore Baja California, the Company and its cultural dimensions also has to consider California. I think that this has been perhaps a job review so varied that most caught my attention.
"To advance has to be known in a very intense period of integration how the other reality, migrants have to know where to migrate, not only through cultural industries , which I think is good, but that international is a device that does not attribute such a deep knowledge, but through knowledge and a more specific understanding of cultures as literature, art, etcetera.
"Now there is the strong possibility the Red and Network is a principle of systematic daily tally, you have to take that guess to academic work.
"Move the constant corroboration of what is a multiple reality increasingly unified in what that frontier life which today includes almost everything, I think there is no in economics, then yes I see it and that is by force, but do not see in cultures.
"While there is an emphasis on comparative cultures, as he is doing now Manuel Valenzuela, comparing the realities of youth in Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil, for example, must be at all, because if not here it is given the isolationism: either there is a clear decision or comparative cultural studies is going to fall into such poor vision or as narrow as that likely will happen in the bicentennial in its first project, says to be taken into account the experiences of telethon and the playful to celebrate the bicentennial.
"So if I end these notes a bit tangled, I congratulate Colegio de la Frontera Norte for those first 25 years as successful, because it captured a national need and academic eloquently captured , cultural and social development but the following must turn increasingly to the Colegio de la Frontera Norte an obligatory reference in the life of Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez or Matamoros.
"has, what is UNAM, however, is a great reference of the secular state, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte is but you have to go deeper, you have to expand in this regard, a reference cultural dimensions of migration. "
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