Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Reasons For Bleeding After Polypectomy In Uterus

Recommendations for Corporate Citizenship Sustainability Strategy

The company ENI was without a doubt one of the biggest new face groups. However, Some workers took the decision to accept bribes, that decision damaged the image of the company and thus also its estabilidiad perojudico economic, to prevent corruption is again given within the company and improve their current situation presents the following recommendations:

1.ENI, one Italian state oil giant must inculcate the vision and mission as well as the organizational philosophy to all employees of the hierarchy. This will provide not present such problems, cases of bribes for political purposes in an organization. On the other hand, employees will be identified with the company which try to perform adequately and thus instill their values \u200b\u200band principles that this organization is not treated as an entity with code of ethics.

2.ENI is a large corporation which has some power in society. Therefore, be advised that there is a responsibility to society. That is, should start to worry about giving something back to society because it is an energy company, could be more focused on energy savings worldwide, so worrying about the environment and promoting campaigns to promote responsible energy use. So this way the company could improve its image, which was damaged by the bribery scandal.

3.Se should punish officials involved in such unfair practices such as bribery, so that the other employees are very clear that there must be interested in immediate economic benefit is obtained with bribes, but should also consider the other important decisions affecting mainly taken CORPORATE large organizations. That's why, that must be done fairly constant audits to better control of operations by personnel from the highest places, as they have a greater responsibility in the company.
4. ENI should cconsiderar social rights, civil and political rights of individuals. These individual rights must be taken into account when making decisions, searching siemrpe to respect, social rights, which benefit those who have links with ENI, civil rights, ta them as people are free to express your opnion and say what that may be affecting and ultimately political rights, they presume that the company should sair private sphere.


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